The Vote On Paul’s Amendment

Does Your Rep. Want the U.S. to stay under an Anti-Gun U.N. Bureaucracy?

Last Thursday, GOA alerted you to the amendment introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). As you will remember, his amendment would have pulled the United States out of the U.N. Rep. Paul stood up for all of our rights, stating that, “Our Constitution does not give us the authority to sell our sovereignty to an international government body . . . [and] does not allow us, for instance, to undermine the Bill of Rights.” Indeed, as documented by our Thursday alert, the U.N. has been quietly pushing a gun control agenda for the member states (like the U.S.). Unfortunately, only 54 Representatives stood firm and supported the Paul amendment, which would have withdrawn the U.S. from the United Nations.

Who voted AGAINST the Paul amendment? Every Democrat voted against the Paul amendment, except for Reps. Hall (TX) and Taylor (MS) who voted for the provision; and Reps. Andrews, Berman, Farr, Fattah, Goode, Jefferson and Lantos who missed the vote. Thus, if you have a Democratic Representative — and he is not one of the nine men listed above — he voted against the Paul amendment. The self-avowed socialist, Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), also voted against withdrawing from the U.N.

Listed below are the Republicans who did not support Rep. Paul and voted AGAINST the amendment:

Archer         Armey          Bachus         Baker

Ballenger Barrett (NE) Barton Bass

Bateman Bereuter Bilbray Bilirakis

Bliley Blunt Boehlert Boehner

Bono Brady Bryant Bunning

Burr Callahan Calvert Camp

Campbell Canady Cannon Castle

Chabot Chambliss Christensen Coble

Collins Cook Cooksey Cox

Davis (VA) Deal Diaz-Balart Dreier

Dunn Ehlers Ehrlich Emerson

English Ewing Fawell Forbes

Fowler Fox Franks (NJ) Frelinghuysen

Gallegly Ganske Gekas Gilchrest

Gillmor Gilman Goodlatte Goodling

Goss Graham Granger Greenwood

Gutknecht Hansen Hastert Hastings (WA)

Hayworth Herger Hill Hilleary

Hobson Hoekstra Horn Hostettler

Houghton Hutchinson Hyde Inglis

Jenkins Johnson (CT) Kasich Kelly

Kim King (NY) Klug Knollenberg

Kolbe LaHood Latham LaTourette

Lazio Leach Lewis (CA) Lewis (KY)

Livingston LoBiondo McCollum McCrery

McDade McHugh McInnis McKeon

Metcalf Mica Miller (FL) Molinari

Morella Myrick Neumann Northup

Norwood Nussle Oxley Packard

Pappas Parker Paxon Pease

Peterson (PA) Petri Pitts Porter

Portman Pryce (OH) Quinn Radanovich

Ramstad Redmond Regula Riggs

Rogan Rogers Roukema Sanford

Saxton Sensenbrenner Shaw Shays

Shimkus Shuster Skeen Smith (MI)

Smith (NJ) Smith (OR) Smith (TX) Smith, Linda

Snowbarger Souder Spence Stearns

Sununu Talent Tauzin Taylor (NC)

Thomas Thornberry Thune Tiahrt

Upton Walsh Watkins Watts (OK)

Weldon (PA) Weller White Whitfield

Wicker Wolf Young (FL)