08/98 Make Gingrich Keep The Smith Amendment

While Congress Takes Break, it’s Time for Gun Owners to Work
— Encourage Gingrich to keep Smith Anti-Brady amendment

by Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
(Wednesday, July 22, 1998)

ACTION: Send the pre-written letter (found below) to Rep. Newt Gingrich asking him to exert his power as House Speaker to make sure the Smith Anti-Tax and Registration amendment remains word-for-word as passed by the Senate. A conference committee will soon begin ironing out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the Commerce-State-Justice appropriations bill. We need to make sure the Smith amendment remains in the final bill that is sent to the President’s desk. (By the way, since Rep. Gingrich has not ruled out a run for the Presidency, your input– no matter where you live– should carry great weight with him.) You can fax Mr. Gingrich at 202-225-4656, or call him at ph: 202-225-4501. E-mail: [email protected]

(Monday, August 10, 1998) — You will recall that in the past few weeks, Gun Owners of America has kept you up-to-date on Senator Smith’s plans to shackle the FBI and its attempts to register and tax gun owners. GOA activated its members and generated thousands of postcards into the Senate. Another flood of faxes and phone calls poured into the Senate after GOA issued a grassroots alert before the Smith vote.

Sen. Smith praises GOA members for their hard work

Subsequently, the Smith “Anti-Brady” amendment overwhelmingly passed (69-31) as a rider to the Commerce-State- Justice appropriations bill.

Senator Smith lauded the members of Gun Owners of America after the vote, and told GOA Executive Director, Larry Pratt: “Your leadership was essential in marshalling the grassroots support in favor of this amendment. When it really counted and I needed help, Gun Owners of America was there fighting for my amendment.”

Smith concluded by telling Pratt that, “You and your members are great patriots. I could never have done this without your help!”

Indeed, gun owners won a tremendous victory in the Senate. And Sen. Smith was not the only one taking notice. One of the newspapers of record in Washington, D.C.– The Hill newspaper (July 29, 1998)– credited all of you with flooding the Senate in favor of the pro-gun agenda:

Lobbying on the [legislation] was intense, and it continues. The Gun Owners of America’s 200,000 grassroots members covered Hill offices with phone calls, faxes and e-mails [right before the vote].

House and Senate conferees to determine fate of the Smith “Anti-Brady” amendment

As mentioned above, the Smith amendment will soon be going to a conference committee. So we need you to send faxes and e-mails to the legislators on the conference committee. Ask them to vote “NO” on the Commerce-State-Justice bill if any part of the Smith language has been watered down or removed. Here is a partial list of the conferees:

Legislator           Phone/Fax

Sen. Campbell (CO) 202-224-5852 / 224-1933

Sen. Domenici (NM) 202-224-6621 / 224-7371
[email protected]

Sen. Gregg (NH) 202-224-3324 / 224-4952
[email protected]

Sen. Hollings (SC) 202-224-6121 / 224-4293
(web-based constituent response form)

Sen. Hutchison (TX) 202-224-5922 / 224-0776
[email protected]

Sen. McConnell (KY) 202-224-2541 / 224-2499
[email protected]

Sen. Stevens (AK) 202-224-3004 / 224-2354
[email protected]

Rep. Livingston (LA) 202-225-3015 / 225-0739

Rep. Mollohan (WV) 202-225-4172 / 225-7564

Rep. Rogers (KY) 202-225-4601 / 225-0940

Send the first letter below to Newt Gingrich asking him to fight for the Smith Anti-Brady amendment in the conference committee. The e-mail address for Rep. Gingrich is [email protected] while the fax number is 202-225-4656.

And, if you are a constituent of one of the Appropriations Committee members (listed above) send the second letter to him or her via fax or e-mail. Consider also meeting with your legislator in the district while he or she is at home over the August recess.

—————- Clip to fax or e-mail ——————–

Dear Mr. Gingrich:

In July, Senator Smith added an amendment (which protects my rights) to the Commerce-State-Justice appropriations bill. Without his pro-gun language, the FBI will begin registering and taxing gun owners. It would be outrageous if the FBI succeeded in their plans!

Please use your power as House Speaker to ensure the Smith language remains intact!

I especially appreciate the language allowing private citizens to sue the FBI if they violate the Smith provision. I realize that the Speaker does not normally vote on legislation. However, should you happen to vote on this bill, please vote “NO” if any part of the Smith language has been watered down or removed. While Gun Owners of America will be keeping me up-to-date on this issue, please let me know what you intend to do. Thank you.


Send this to members of the Appropriations Committee listed above

—————- Clip to fax or e-mail ——————–


As you are probably aware, Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) added a pro-gun amendment as a rider to the Commerce-State- Justice bill (S. 2260). The FBI’s plan to register and tax gun owners is simply outrageous. They definitely need to get their wings clipped.

As a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee, your continued support is needed to keep the Smith language intact!

I especially appreciate the language allowing private citizens to sue the FBI if they violate the Smith provision. Please vote “NO” on this bill if any part of the Smith language has been watered down or removed. While Gun Owners of America will be keeping me up-to-date on this issue, please let me know what you intend to do. Thank you.
