Hostetettler Letter To HUD Secretary Martinez

Time for Round Two:
Ask your Rep. to sign the Hostettler letter if he’s not listed below

! Friday Co-signer Update !

(Tuesday, February 27, 2001) — You guys are doing a great job! Last week, we alerted you to the most recent effort by Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) to dismantle the gun control legacy of President Clinton. Because of your help, Hostettler has almost three dozen Representatives joining him on the letter.

Hostettler is leading the drive in Congress to petition HUD Secretary Mel Martinez to eliminate the so-called Communities for Safer Guns Coalition. This coalition was formed under President Clinton’s watch, and it has been very active in helping cities and localities in bringing lawsuits against gun makers. Now almost three dozen Congressmen, whose names are listed below, have agreed to sign on to the Hostettler letter addressed to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Martinez. (The text of the letter has been posted at if you wish to read it.)

Representatives Currently Signing the Hostettler Letter As of Mid-afternoon Tuesday

Bartlett (MD)    Everett (AL)       Pombo (CA)
Brady (TX)       Goode (VA)         Riley (AL)
Callahan (AL)    Hansen (UT)        Ryun (KS)
Camp (MI)        Hart (PA)          Sessions (TX)
Cannon (UT)      Hayes (NC)         Shimkus (IL)
Cooksey (LA)     Hilleary (TN)      Strictland (OH)
Cunningham (CA)  Hoekstra (MI)      Taylor (NC)
Doolittle (CA)   Hostettler (IN)    Tiahrt (KS)
Duncan (TN)      Hutchinson (AR)    Wamp (TN)
Ehrlich (MD)     Istook (OK)        Wicker (MS)
English (PA)     Petri (WI)

Representatives Currently Signing the Hostettler Letter As of 5:00 PM Friday (90 Total)

Akin (MO)       Green (TX)        Pence (IN)
Baker (LA)      Hall (TX)         Peterson (MN)
Bartlett (MD)   Hansen (UT)       Petri (WI)
Brady (TX)      Hart (PA)         Phelps (IL)
Brown (SC)      Hastings (WA)     Pombo (CA)
Burr (NC)       Hayes (NC)        Putnam (FL)
Buyer (IN)      Hayworth (AZ)     Rehberg (MT)
Callahan (AL)   Hilleary (TN)     Reynolds (NY)
Calvert (CA)    Hoekstra (MI)     Riley (AL)
Camp (MI)       Hostettler (IN)   Rohrabacher (CA)
Cannon (UT)     Hulshof (MO)      Ryan (WI)
Cantor (VA)     Hutchinson (AR)   Ryun (KS)
Chambliss (GA)  Istook (OK)       Sandlin (TX)
Coble (NC)      Jenkins (TN)      Schaffer (CO)
Combest (TX)    Johnson, S. (TX)  Sessions (TX)
Cooksey (LA)    Johnson, T. (IL)  Shimkus (IL)
Cubin (WY)      Largent (OK)      Shows (MS)
Cunningham (CA) Lewis (KY)        Simpson (ID)
Deal (GA)       Linder (GA)       Skeen (NM)
DeFazio (OR)    Manzullo (IL)     Stenholm (TX)
DeMint (SC)     McCrery (LA)      Strictland (OH)
Doolittle (CA)  Miller (CA)       Stump (AZ)
Duncan (TN)     Moran (KS)        Taylor (NC)
Ehrlich (MD)    Nethercutt (WA)   Thornberry (TX)
English (PA)    Ney (OH)          Tiahrt (KS)
Everett (AL)    Norwood (GA)      Traficant (OH)
Flake (AZ)      Ose (CA)          Vitter (LA)
Gibbons (NV)    Otter (ID)        Weldon (PA)
Goode (VA)      Oxley (OH)        Whitfield (KY)
Goodlatte (VA)  Paul (TX)         Wicker (MS)


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