Yet Another Anti-gun Radical up for a State Department Post

     We realize it sounds like old news.

     The Obama administration — the one that, during the campaign, “was not going to go after our guns” — 
has nominated yet another anti-gun crazy for a high federal post. 

     This one is Harold Hongju Koh, a Yale Law Professor nominated to be chief legal guru for Hillary Clinton’s State Department. 

     And, even by the standards of liberal craziness (and tax evasion) that we have come to expect from Obama administration officials, this guy is off the charts.

     He wants to apply Sharia law here, proposes to send U.S. citizens for trial by international tribunals, and blasts American conduct in international forums. 

     Koh has also gone out of his way to be at the front of the cheerleading squad to get the UN into the business of regulating Second Amendment-protected conduct in the United States.

     Specifically, in a lecture reprinted in the Fordham Law Review, he excoriates former UN Ambassador John Bolton for insisting that any UN regulation of guns not contain “measures abrogating the Constitutional right to bear arms.”  This assertion that our international agreements should actually protect the Second Amendment was, in Koh’s words, “most amazing to a student of American constitutional law.”

     Koh went on to argue that it was ridiculous to insist that UN agreements protect the Second Amendment because “the Second Amendment had never been used to overturn any American federal gun law.”  Besides, protested Koh, the conference documents of the anti-gun conference had made it “amply clear” that they would not impede legal gun ownership. 

     Well, it’s time we make it “amply clear” that anti-gun crazies should not be in positions where they can negotiate away Second Amendment rights in international conventions.

Gun Owners of America urges the Senate to reject this radical, anti-gun nominee.