6/07 The 2nd Amdt. & Mental Disorders

The Second Amendment And Mental Disorders

Lynn Stuter
As published at NewsWithViews.com

Last week [06/09/07] mainstream media announced that Congress (U.S. House of Representatives) passed a bill that would potentially close a gaping loophole in the federal gun laws — a loophole that allowed people with mental disorders, such as the Virginia Tech gunman, to obtain guns. The new law would provide monetary enticements for states (and penalties against states who refused) to submit mental records to the federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System used to do background checks on prospective gun owners. The old carrot and stick philosophy.

Mainstream media made quite a “thing” of the fact that this legislation was passed with the help of the National Rifle Association. Wayne LaPierre was shown, front and center, on CBS being interviewed about this new legislation which he deemed good for “law-abiding citizens.”


In the aftermath of the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, a move is afoot nationwide to screen every man, woman and child for mental health. Ads abound on television encouraging people to be screened. Articles in parenting magazines advocate mental health screening and prevention to unwitting parents. Mike Wallace tells us to get help for depression, we won’t be sorry.

At the same time the American Psychiatric Association is busy adding new categories to its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), categories arrived at not through research or known pathology but rather through a voice vote of members. Categories now exist such as…

300.23 Social Phobia. Definition: A persistent irrational fear of situations in which the person may be closely watched and judged by others, as in public speaking, eating, or using public facilities.

313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Definition: An enduring pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that does not involve major antisocial violations, is not accounted for by the child’s developmental stage, and results in significant functional impairment. A certain level of oppositional behavior is common in children and adolescents.

315.00 Reading Disorder. Definition: As measured by a standardized tests, the patient’s ability to read (accuracy or comprehension) is substantially less than you would expect considering age, intelligence and education. This deficiency materially impedes academic achievement or daily living.

315.1 Mathematics Disorder. Definition: Students with a mathematics disorder have problems with their math skills. Their math skills are significantly below normal considering the student’s age, intelligence, and education.

315.2 Disorder of Written Expression. Definition: A disorder resulting from problems in poor writing skills. Students with written expression disorder have a problem with their writing skills. Their writing skills are significantly below what is normal considering the student’s age, intelligence, and education. The poor writing skills cause problems with the student’s academic success or other important areas of life.

(Note: the definitions for these terms come from the UK website for DSM-IV codes. The APA, apparently because of public scrutiny, has removed all DSM-IV code definitions from their websites.)

The President’s New Freedom Commission On Mental Health report recommended TeenScreen, developed by Columbia University with support from the pharmaceutical industry (obviously for self-serving interests; i.e., monetary gain), as a model program for screening elementary and secondary education students for mental disorders. One of the questions on this screening mechanism asks children if they feel anxiety in a social situation or if they have to speak before a group. One girl, responding that she did, was referred to a mental health profession under the prognosis of 300.23: Social Phobia. In another instance, a girl who admitted having thoughts about suicide was admitted to a mental health ward without her parents knowledge or consent.

By its own admission, 84 of every 100 children screened by TeenScreen are falsely identified as having a “mental disorder.” That’s 84% falsely identified, falsely labeled. When identified as having a mental disorder, students are referred to a mental health professional. More times than not, students are then placed on prescription anti-depressants; medications that carry a FDA black-box warning that they can cause violent behavior and/or suicide. An increasing number of school-shooters have been on anti-depressants, including Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine; Jefferson County, Colorado) and Kip Kinkel (Springfield, Oregon).

But does being falsely diagnosed with a mental disorder follow children into adulthood?

Enter the Student Data Handbook for Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education put out by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education. This handy little manual has codified everything (data elements) the NCES is seeking from states and school districts in the way information on students, including mental health evaluations and referrals; a portfolio (dossier) of personally identifiable information that will follow the homo sapien birth to death. In communist countries this portfolio is called a dangan and is used, among other things, for the purposes of incarceration and coercion.

And while the government assures the people that the accumulation of this information is “confidential,” the datamining of telephone conversations, bank records and e-mail transmissions in violation of existing United States law (FISA) by the Bush Administration has more than clearly demonstrated why the government should not be allowed to have, and should not be trusted with, such information.

TeenScreen is now facing major resistance in many states and school districts as parents realize the implications of children falsely labeled. Such, however, will not help children already falsely labeled. If the law mentioned in the opening lines of this article, supported by the NRA, passes the Senate and is signed into law by the GW Bush, children falsely identified as having a mental disorder may find they are refused their second amendment rights.

Do you smoke? Does your doctor know you smoke? Has he/she indicated in your health records that you have a “Nicotine Dependence” mental disorder, codified as 305.10 in the DSM-IV-TR?

Is the NRA aware of the move afoot in this nation to label everyone with some type of mental disorder? Was their involvement in passing this bill out of ignorance, or are they fully aware of the implications?

Under the DSM-IV-TR codes, there isn’t an person in the United States that would not fit in some category. Why does the government need gun control laws when they can effectively bar every citizen from owning a gun through DSM-IV-TR mental disorder codes?

Our elected representatives in Washington, DC who have demonstrated a fetish for sexual relations with children (the Franklin Coverup) have a mental disorder under the DSM-IV-TR code of 995.53 — sexual abuse of children. This mental disorder disqualifies them from the right to own a gun.

“A show of hands here. We American citizens have the right to know every legislator involved in this activity. Among other things, you should not be allowed to own a gun. We citizens know that you are the most honest souls around so, please, a show of hands here. What, no show of hands? Well I’ll be!”

Well, we always have DSM-IV-TR code 312.8 — conduct disorder. It seems that, with the exception of Ron Paul of Texas, not one of our elected servants in Washington DC conducts themselves in accordance with the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


Mother and wife, Stuter has spent the past ten years researching systems theory with a particular emphasis on education. She home schooled two daughters, now grown and on their own. She has worked with legislators, both state and federal, on issues pertaining to systems governance and education reform. She networks nationwide with other researchers and citizens concerned with the transformation of our nation. She has traveled the United States and lived overseas.